restful api

restful apirestful api
  1. Accordingly , you can then provide access to your objects in a number of ways ; using a RESTful API is just one of them .


  2. Exposing a system 's resources through a RESTful API is a flexible way to provide different kinds of applications with data formatted in a standard way .


  3. Here are the specs for our sample application passed down from the " boss ": Create a random number generator RESTful API .


  4. He admits that in most RESTlike and RESTFul API solutions that authentication is most certainly a secondary consideration .


  5. Its RESTful API allows me to indicate that I am supplying an IATA code instead of a generic text-search term .


  6. Listing 2 is an example of using Hypertext Markup Language ( HTML ) to call a RESTful API from Netflix for catalog searches .


  7. In addition to the Web site , you can access the Developer Cloud through a RESTful API , a Java ™ API , and a command-line management interface .


  8. It exposes a completely RESTful API that permits the creation , querying , updating , and removal of documents , views , and databases .


  9. The clients can create topics and submit messages to them through a RESTful API , while other clients subscribe to multiple topics through HTTP long polling .


  10. You can tweak your simple functional test plan originally designed for a RESTful API functional test scenario into a performance test script that hits the servers deployed in the cloud environment .


  11. With an access key and a secret key in hand , you can download JetS3t and use it with abandon to interact with S3 via its RESTful API via .


  12. For the purposes of this article ( and indeed , most , if not all of your S3 pursuits ), the RESTful API 's simplicity makes it a good choice .


  13. A web service that provides a RESTful API takes in a few parameters , interprets them , pieces together a response , and flushes a response ( usually a relatively small amount of text ) back to the user .


  14. A document database server , accessible via a RESTful JSON API .


  15. CouchDB databases store uniquely named documents and provide a RESTful JSON API that allow applications to read and modify these documents .


  16. And finally , you added a tabbed interface to Gwitter to display the results of the RESTful Twitter API call to return your friends timeline .


  17. Cloud consumers use APIs as software interfaces to connect and consume resources in various ways , though the optimal or contemporary route is to use a RESTful protocol-based API .


  18. Twitter 's RESTful interface and clear API documentation provide excellent methods for you to access social-networking attributes .
